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Library of materials on the topic of graduation work

    Own publications and reports

  1. Monitoring the use of working time as a way of personnel management.

    Authors: V.S.Sheludyakov, I.Y.Anokhina.

    Description:The optimal use of working time is one of the important aspects of personnel management and allows organizations to maximize the effectiveness of their employees.

    Source: Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Informatics, control systems, mathematical and computer modeling"

  2. Feature articles


    Authors:Doroshkevich A.A.

    Description: The paper substantiates the need to monitor the use of working time in the organization.

    Source:Access link: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kontrol-za-ispolzovaniem-rabochego-vremeni-v-organizatsii-formalnost-ili-neobhodimost/viewer

  4. Improving the efficiency of using the working time of the organization's staff (using the example of ANO "CSON Syzransky")

    Authors:I. L. Kashirina, M. V. Demchenko

    Description: Development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of using the working time of the organization's staff

    Source:Tolyatti State University, access link: https://dspace.tltsu.ru/bitstream/123456789/27008/1/Ëóêüÿíîâà%20À.Í._ÓÏáï-1800á.pdf

  5. Improving the efficiency of personnel management at the enterprise

    Authors: Antonov A. A.

    Description: An article that examines the impact of neural networks on predicting future trends in data analysis.

    Source:Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, access link: https://elar.rsvpu.ru/bitstream/123456789/20251/1/RSVPU_2017_243.pdf


    Authors:I.B. Teslenko, A.M. Gubernatorov, S.Y. Kovalenko, M.P. Vakhromeeva, N.B. Mikhaylik

    Description: A review article that explores current trends and possibilities of using neural networks in the educational field.

    Source:Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov", access link: http://op.vlsu.ru/fileadmin/Programmy/Bacalavr_academ/38.03.05/Metod_doc/UMP_Upravlenie_personalom.pdf

  7. Ways to improve the efficiency of personnel management at the enterprise

    Authors:Panfilov A.I. Abdullaev R.A.

    Description: Analysis of the current state and development of proposals to improve the efficiency of personnel management at the enterprise

    Source:INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "INNOVATIVE SCIENCE" No.4/2016 ISSN 2410-6070", access link: http://op.vlsu.ru/fileadmin/Programmy/Bacalavr_academ/38.03.05/Metod_doc/UMP_Upravlenie_personalom.pdf

  8. Improving the personnel management system in a modern organization

    Authors:Naumova E.S.

    Description: The modern principles of personnel management are listed and described.

    Source:GOBU VO "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", access link: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/13SFK317.pdf

  9. Mechanisms for improving staff efficiency in commercial organizations

    Authors:Nikulin D.V.

    Description: Modern trends in the field of personnel management are considered, the main emphasis is placed on the trend of introducing personnel management information systems.

    Source:Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, access link: https://mir-nauki.com/PDF/28EMN215.pdf

  10. Improving the efficiency of the organization's labor productivity management based on secure digital technologies.

    Authors:Khorovinnikova E.G., Khorovinnikov A.A.,Gagarinskaya G.P., Zhuravlev D.A.

    Description: Issues of knowledge management, personnel management, financial resource management, production management

    Source:Samara State Technical University, access link: When daily planning improves employee performance: The importance of the type of planning, engagement, and breaks

    Authors: Michael R. Parke,Andrew Brodsky,Justin M. Weinhardt,Subrahmaniam Tangirala

    Description: Does planning for a certain workday help employees to work better than on other days that they could not Plan it?

    Source (English): Sanford E. DeVoe University of California, Los Angeles, access link:https://anderson-review.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/DeVoe-et-al_timemgmt_2017.pdf

  11. Translations of articles

  12. When daily planning improves employee performance: The importance of the type of planning, engagement, and breaks

    Authors: Michael R. Parke,Andrew Brodsky,Justin M. Weinhardt,Subrahmaniam Tangirala

    Description: Does planning for a certain workday help employees to work better than on other days that they could not plan?

    Source (English): Sanford E. DeVoe